Sunday Feb 8After a much needed day off I was apprehensive yet excited to return to class. It's been a mentally and physically draining experience but I feel my strength growing with each day. I was up early after a long nights rest. After an apple and some coconut milk snack I sat down on my mat and listened to the morning instruction. Meditation outside. Awesome!!
Today we talked about teaching what we learned to each other thus far each morning with 2-3 students leading the opening of class. We all had different categories and I of course got a boring one- Yamas (ethical observations).
Rocket practice was a different practice than normal but fun. It definitely was exhausting but nice to switch it up a bit.
Lunch break seemed quick. Everyone was out of it after our day off.
Ram discussed the 5 Yamas and the 5 Niyamas in more detail- I was grateful for this because I was going to teach it later this week. We then went into Sanskrit 101. Interesting to know how the language was built. It's considered by many scholars to be a perfect language. After listening to the lesson I would have to agree. English is a tough language even when it's your mother language.
We went deeper into our next positions in our MPS. This proved to be very difficult for everyone in the class, myself included. After being humbled by a terrible lesson we stepped back on the mat for our MPS practice. This felt great. Savasana felt well earned when it was over.
Meditation outside the Shala. I'm in the very left hand corner of the pic with my shirt off
Monday Feb 9
Studies continue. The pace is definitely picking up. It feels like nothing but yoga and studies all day but I'm liking the journey. I keep getting asked back home how the beach is or the weather or what I'm doing. In all honesty it's just all study and physical work. I spend all day indoors although it feels like outside because there's open windows or no walls most places we have class or break.
Ram talked about the chakras then we went into a hour meditation that was incredible. We focused on each chakra on the journey up to the highest crown chakra. Weve done meditation like this before but never this long (usually 10-20mins). I thought I would be a fighting aches from siting so long but I channeled into the meditation and felt lifted on a energetic level. When it was over we had a half hour break. When I was walking back to my bungalow I felt like colors were a little brighter and the smells of the island a little sweeter. It was a heightened version of myself and I look forward to buying his cd that was playing during the meditation to experience this even further. I will definitely share it with friends and family. It was such an honor to experience it.
Back in class we covered more of the standing series and taught it to each other. It's complicated learning all the little moves with breath but I look forward to teaching what I know so far.
Our afternoon practice of MPS was good but tiring. Physically I'm getting stronger but I'm sore in the craziest places.
Meatless Monday's for me while I'm here. Fruit plate and yogurt with honey, peanuts, and coconut.
Tuesday Feb 10
Today was the first class taught by our peers. Everyday from here until the end of our training our peers will teach us one aspect of what we have learned so far (I'm on Thursday). It's usually 2-3 students covering breath techniques, meditation, one of the limbs of yoga, etc.
They did awful but it was the first one taught so good to see how to adjust mine. We commented on the class. Everyone was giving sunshine and rainbows reviews and I stepped in with a real answer. They appreciated the feedback and thoughts for improvement. The teachers did too especially after they ripped them apart. Glad I'm not first :)
Morning practice was full primary. I barely made it through. Physically coming to the end of the line. I'm so sore and I feel like I'm not resetting when I sleep. When savasana came around I was saying thank god in my mind. Lunch was good but I have to start preparing my notes for Thursday class and fill in our homework books which are due Friday. Feeling slightly overwhelmed by everything but I like the challenge.
Back in class we listened to Ram talk about various yoga topics. Basically wrapping up his lessons from the last week as this was our last day with him. It was truly an honor to experience such a great teacher and learn so much! I look forward to following his talks further on YouTube and I'll definitely buy his book when it comes out.
After he was done we moved on with Emily our new anatomy teacher. This class session is meant to teach us what's physically happening to our bodies during yoga. It's very insightful and I can see it helping with my poses.
After class we had a quick 15 min break before more training on the standing series and one of one trainings. Our afternoon MPS practice was self taugh (Mysore). I'm doing good figuring out the next pose without looking at my sheet and naming the pose in my head while I go along. Others got super nervous and went super fast. I feel like I'm on the right track for sure but ended a little early.
The last up dog (urdva mukhra svanasana) I could barely push myself up. I offically hit a wall. I walked out feeling a little defeated and hoped I would get a good nights sleep tonight. That morning practice knocked me out and the second of the day was the punch when I was already down.
Dinner was quick in the Beam because we had a spiritual naming ceremony with Ram that night. It was in the Shala and it was great hearing the names everyone was choosing for themselves. I picked Bodhi of course. It was nice to have that name get bonded to me on an energetic level moving forward in my life. I crashed out a little nervous about tomorrow's practice. I'm so sore and tired. I don't know how I'm going to recover but if there's a will there's a way.
Lots of symbolism going on. Fun to watch and chant along.
My name in Sanskrit being written in rice
After our naming ceremony
Wed Feb 11
The morning started off with another peer teacher class ending in complete failure. My classmates aren't seeming to grasp this concept and I'm looking forward to seeing how I do tomorrow. I feel confident but at the rate people are dropping the ball I need to step up my studies.
We discussed various topics then jumped into our morning 2 hr yoga class. I don't recall what kind it was but I was definitely still feeling that wall.
Lunch I just spent catching up on homework and meeting with my mantra partners for Friday Funday class. We are in a full push now with studies. Time is flying by. Our mantra meeting was very unproductive and we gave up after 15mins.
After lunch we were back with Emily again for anatomy class. We learned about the spine and proper positioning. It was interesting but I felt so tired it was hard to pay attention. I should have had some coffee at lunch. I could barely pay attention.
After anatomy class and our 30 min break we were back in the Shala to learn the final sequences of the standing series and to teach one on one with a partner. I did much better this time.
Moving into our MPS Mysore class (self taught) I really wanted to nail the 1/hr timing. When we did self taught MPS yesterday; everyone finished 20-30 mins to early. I was 17 mins from the one hour mark (savasana should be in last 8-5mins of class).
I slowed my practice way down and focused on slow steady breaths. Halfway thru I felt fantastic. I was sweating the good kind of sweat. My breath was even. The moves felt powerful and done with purpose. When I lied down for savasana I was at 52mins in and I was buzzing with renewed vigor.
Walking out of class I felt I jumped that wall yesterday in one bound today. I wasn't sore. I wasn't tired. I felt so alive. I realized a very valuable lesson from that practice- so many hurdles in our lives are mental. It was one of the best practices I ever experienced!!
Morning peer teachers doing meditation
Thursday Feb 12
I woke up super energized ready to teach my class. I was up at the Shala 20 mins early to set up. I got the white board and wrote the 5 Yamas across the top with their definitions below. I then drew a horizontal line below the Yamas to make two rows with 5 columns.
When everyone arrived I introduced myself using my spiritual name Bodhi and Ava introduced herself as Leela. I had this idea the night before to start with a power Om to wake everyone up. I had them stand in a circle almost shoulder to shoulder. I told them this was an infinite Om, meaning they keep repeating it. To make sure they didn't go in waves I told them to start when we touched their shoulders. This actually proved to be a really cool variation to start it with. I had also told them to imagine a sun in the middle of the circle fueled by the sound of the Om. It was really cool and everyone loved it.
My presentation started with a corny joke; 'Yamas' not a food served at thanksgiving dinner. Everyone least anyone with knowledge of Turkey Day. Later Vari commented that it got him engaged in the presentation.
I immediately involved the class by asking them questions about each Yama. What type of person is violent?. Which type of person was non-violent?. I proceeded to ask the good and bad for each Yama. At the end I had them look at the list. I showed the positive row had traits of heroes and the bottom row traits of villains. It went over really well. Leela did her her meditation class to the soundtrack from Forrest Gump. While it was playing and we were suppose to be clearing our minds I just keep seeing Forrest run. No one else picked up on where the music came from. Too bad I was smiling the whole 15 mins of meditation.
Our reviews went extremely well. We were the first group to get all positive reviews even from the teachers. As Vari put it we set the bar. Pat on the back time :)
Our morning practice was a super intense Vinyasa class. It was advanced and took up the complete 2 hours before we got into savasana. It was tiring, challenging, and all on awesome!
At lunch I scrambled to finish my homework and prepare for tonight's open mic night I was doing at The Sanctuary. This was outside of class and I just wanted to do it for the experience of it.
Back in class we had a long anatomy class and there was only time for circle teaching- sun salutations A-C twice. I was tired and out of it. When class finished I was glad to get out. I had a lot to prep for. I showered and changed real quick. I ate a fast dinner and jumped into homework. I walked over to the Sanctuary about 8pm for open mic night. I was going to get up and do a few jokes. I wish I had more time to prep and practice the jokes but I guess that's why it's called improv. Every other skit was poetry readings, dancing, singing to a guitar, and other random acts.
I was the 5th one up around 9:50. I was nervous but it was fun. I opened by introducing myself as Bodhi then asking everyone to roar at me like a lion whenever I roared at them. It was actually my favorite part. The jokes went well and I had fun. Everyone from class said they loved it and I got lots of head nods from other people. The owner of the Sanctuary said he had a version of one of the jokes I told and wanted to email it to me. I have it on video :)
I went home feeling like it was a great day to be alive!
**no pics from my performance but I do have a video
Fri Feb 13
I woke up tired but rested. I'm sore so I'm glad this morning I get to do alignments during the morning MPS (teachers from the day or day before get to learn alignments on students while people practice). The morning teachers both bombed and I was used as an of example of what you want to do in a teacher class. Ego boost time.
It was a great alignment course from Vari while everyone practiced we fixed their postures. It's actually really difficult but I loved it. After lunch break we turned in our homework. I was relieved to have that behind me. Emily did her last anatomy course and did a few quick drills. Half hour break later we were on Haad Yuan (Blue Beach) for Friday Funday. I swam when I got there. Not much beach time the last two weeks and it felt great to get wet.
My mantra group was super unprepared and we said F it lets just wing it improv style on the way over. It's not that we were lazy it was just to busy of a week to prepare for it. There was 4 groups. The first two groups definitely knew their mantras. Our groups however did not. We had decided on the walk over to just say one line each and we would just repeat that persons line when it was said.
Our mantra was mixed in with a Fresh Prince of Bellaire melody. Needless to say we thought we would botch it but it ended up being the best one by far. The Marta was Sahana-Vavatu Shanti.
We worked on handstands in the sand and took a bunch of group pictures. It was fun and in the end the teachers asked us to redo our preformance from before so they can get it on video. We Fd up the second time but had fun. Still it was funny because they said the competition was a 4 way tie but we got asked to do it again. Yep, no winners but really we knocked it out of the park.
I had my first drink of the week at Blue Bar with some people then walked up to Bamboo for dinner. It was an amazing dinner. I splurged with a steamed sea bass and vegetables dish. So good. We laughed and it was a good day again. I crashed about 11pm feeling a little sad our second week was over.
Group one doing their mantra
Group two had a prop
My hand stands are getting better
Bamboo at night. Too bad you can't see the ocean. It gorgeous to behold live!